BAppSc (Medical Radiations)

Clement joined BVSC recently after working in the human radiation oncology field in Victoria. He is very keen to work with BVSC’s oncology team to further elevate and bridge the gap between the human and veterinary radiation therapy worlds.

He believes that radiation therapy has a big potential and role to play in achieving great quality of life outcomes for our pets. Clement’s interest in radiation therapy and passion for education is pertinent to continuing BVSC’s journey in advancingradiation oncology to the standard of care that humans receive because our pets deserve the same standard of care.

With so much to borrow from the human world his goals are exploring the techniques and technogical advances available and applying it in Veterinary Oncology. He is very excited to be able to contribute and join a team dedicated to innovation in the care and treatment of our pets.

Clement is the proud parent of Luna, a French Bulldog.